Native Book Authors

Hire the Best Book Publishing Services in the USA to Increase Your Book Exposure

We are recognized as the Book Publishing experts in the USA. We work tirelessly to maximize your book’s visibility and exposure. Our team is dedicated to providing personalized services that align with your goals, helping to push your book into the spotlight of the publishing world.

In addition to our publishing expertise, we also understand the importance of post-publication support. We offer a range of services including book signings, author interviews, and social media promotion to ensure your book continues to gain traction long after it hits the shelves. Our commitment to your success extends beyond the printed page, as we strive to create a lasting legacy for your work in the literary world. Let’s make your book a bestseller together!

Turn Your Publication Dream Into Reality With Professional Book Publishing Services

Native Book Authors

Specialized Expertise

Native Book Authors consists of book publishing experts with unique skills in various areas of publishing. Whether it's editing, design, or marketing, we have specialists who can ensure your book stands out from the crowd. With Our niche skills, they'll bring out the best in your manuscript, making it shine in the competitive publishing world.

Native Book Authors

Cost Affective Solution

Native Book Authors understand that publishing can be expensive. That's why we offer premium services at affordable rates. You don't have to break the bank to get high-quality publishing assistance. We believe that everyone deserves a chance to share Our story, and our cost-effective solutions make that possible.

Native Book Authors

Tailored Content

Every author is different, and so is every book. That's why we offer tailored solutions to meet your unique needs. Whether you need help with formatting, cover design, or marketing strategy, we'll work closely with you to understand your vision and bring it to life. Our personalized approach ensures that your book reflects your style and message.

Native Book Authors

Captivating Writing

Writing is the heart of any book, and we excel at creating engaging content that keeps readers hooked from start to finish. Whether you're writing fiction or non-fiction, our team of talented writers can help you craft a compelling narrative that resonates with your audience. With Native Book Authors captivating book writing services, your book will leave a lasting impression on readers, ensuring they keep turning the pages until the very end.

We Assess your Requirements and Give the Best Book/eBook Publishing Services:

Book/eBook publishing has revolutionized the way authors distribute their work. At Native Book Authors, we specialize in understanding your specific needs to provide tailored Book/eBook solutions. Our expertise in Book/eBook publication ensures that your book reaches readers worldwide while maintaining the highest quality standards.

Comprehensive eBook Formatting

We offer complete eBook formatting services, ensuring that your eBook is compatible with all major platforms like Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play Books.

Effective Book/eBook Distribution

Our distribution network spans globally, allowing your eBooks to be available in multiple markets, enhancing your visibility and increasing sales.

Are You Waiting for your Books to be Published?

Don’t wait any longer to turn your manuscript into a masterpiece. With Native Book Authors, Start today and see your book touching the lives of readers globally.

Diversity at Our Book Publishing Agency

As the most diverse book publishing agency, we pride ourselves on our ability to handle a wide range of genres and publishing formats. Whether you are looking to publish fiction, non-fiction, academic texts, or children’s books, our team is equipped to provide expert guidance and support throughout the publishing process.

As a diverse publishing agency, we handle various genres and formats. Our unique, author-centric approach tailors services to your needs, from editing to marketing. We’re with you every step, turning your creative vision into a reality enjoyed by readers worldwide.

Native Book Authors

Why Choose
Native Book Authors?

Native Book Authors is your one stop shop for everything you need for your book to be published in any marketplace.

Native Book Authors


Unmatched industry knowledge at your disposal.

Native Book Authors

Long-Term Partnerships

We grow with you and your literary career.

Native Book Authors


Your vision, our mission.

Native Book Authors

Innovation and Adaptability

Forward-thinking solutions for every challenge.

Explore the Treasury of Our Published Books

Explore our recent successes in publishing and find out why authors rely on us to make their words shine. Each victory shows how dedicated we are to being the best in book publishing, always finding new and better ways to do things.

Are You Waiting for your Books to be Published?

Don’t wait any longer to turn your manuscript into a masterpiece. With Authors Eclipse, Start today and see your book touching the lives of readers globally.

Smoothest Publishing Process of Native Book Authors

Experience the smoothest journey from manuscript to marketplace with our streamlined publishing process. It involves just the following five simple steps.



Pitch your idea, and let’s shape it together.


Manuscript Submission

Send us your manuscript; we’re ready for it.


Manuscript Review

We meticulously review your work for market fit and quality.



Our experts refine your text to perfection.



Watch as your book is published and reaches eager readers worldwide.

What Our Clients Say

Hear from our satisfied authors who have experienced firsthand the benefits of partnering with us. Their testimonials reflect our commitment to exceptional service and successful publishing outcomes..

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely. Whether you are interested in traditional publishing or self-publishing, we can help you to get your book published. We offer comprehensive support for POD publishing, eBook publishing, and traditional publishing. For traditional publishing, we will help you to identify literary agents and publishing houses and work with you to prepare compelling promotional material to solicit potential buyers. For self-publishing, whether hardcopy, digital or both, we will consult with you on what options will work best for your book. We can prepare your book for formatting and handle the entire self-publishing process for you.

The process for publishing a book depends on how you’d like to publish it.
Traditional publishing usually involves finding a literary agent to represent you and then pitching your book to various publishing houses until you find one that wants to purchase the rights to publish your book. This process typically takes several months or even up to a year. If you’re able to secure a deal with a traditional publisher, it can take several more months to a year—or even longer—before your book actually goes to print.
The self-publishing process is much more simple and expedient. Once you’ve completed your manuscript, you need only to choose a self-publishing service, format your book based on their specifications, and upload it with a cover design.
Whether you choose to pursue traditional publishing or self-publishing, we’ll consult with you and help you with every step along the way.

A traditional publisher will purchase the rights to publish your book and is then responsible for the final look of the book, the printing, and the marketing. With self-publishing, you pay a publisher to publish and print your book.
There are challenges and benefits associated with both traditional and self-publishing. For authors who sign with a traditional publisher, there is generally guaranteed payment and the sales and earning potential is significantly higher than self-publishing. However, the rights to their book are no longer their own and the publisher may demand various changes to the manuscript that the author may not be completely comfortable with. Self-publishing allows authors more freedom, but on the downside, there is no assurance that their book will sell.
Traditional publishing also generally involves a large commitment of time and effort (and thick skin!) to get a literary agent and publishing deal. In return, authors gain increased visibility and the publisher covers the distribution and marketing costs. Books printed through traditional publishing are guaranteed to be professional quality.
Many first-time authors use self-publishing as a means to prove their marketability to agents and publishers and secure a contract for their subsequent works. More and more, self-publishing is becoming the most common form of publication.

Generally, authors secure a literary agent by submitting query letters and samples of their work to a number of potential agents. Some writers’ circles say that you will need to query 80+ agents before you can justify calling it quits. Each query letter should be personalized to the recipient and address how you see your work complementing the roster of authors that the literary agent currently represents. The process is long and taxing, and there is no guarantee that you’ll find representation. But, if you do, a literary agent will very likely be able to find a publisher for you and act as a champion for you and your book.

Significant sections of your query letter can be sent to more than one agent or publisher; however, query letters are most effective when they are customized to your recipient. Most successful query letters include a section about how your manuscript relates to the distinct character or priorities of the agent or publisher you’re contacting.

If your goal is to hold a copy of your book in your hand and have it available for sale on Kindle (among other eBook platforms), then yes, we can guarantee that your book will be published. If your heart is set on traditional publishing, we cannot guarantee that you will receive a book deal or secure a literary agent to represent you. We will, however, do everything we can to support you in achieving your goal!

Writing is just like any other skill or art form; practice, feedback, and refinement are the means to improving your abilities. Every writer needs an editor, and even the most brilliant ideas can benefit from a collaborator or two. We can work with you on material that you’ve already created to give detailed, insightful feedback and suggestions on how to take your craft to the next level. We can also build off of the ideas that you’ve already generated and ghostwrite new material for you.
We know that the publishing industry can be daunting, especially for first time authors, so we offer consultation and comprehensive support for both traditional and self-publishing outlets. Once the writing and editing process is complete, we’ll help you make decisions regarding traditional and self-publishing options. We’ll craft a query letter or book proposal that you can use to promote your book to agents and publishing houses, and we can put you in contact with marketing services to get the word out about your book. We’ve assisted many first-time and experienced authors with self-publishing their book and securing lucrative book deals through traditional publishing avenues.
Our services are perfectly suited for writers who are looking to improve their work. Our professional staff is ready to give you the tools, motivation, and reflection that you need to succeed.
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